Training its members to become world-class patent attorneys

Training its members to become
world-class patent attorneys

The presence of world-class Korean patent attorneys will make Korea an IP power.

The KPAA is making an effort to enhance the capabilities of patent attorneys
so that the Korean people and Korean firms may receive
the best IP services in the world.

Practical training for trainee patent attorneys

· During practical training courses, trainee patent attorneys learn about everything from ethics to actual skills based on a diverse and specialized curriculum to become better qualified patent attorneys.

Mandatory training for patent attorneys

· Through mandatory training, patent attorneys learn about domestic and overseas changes in IPR systems and are able to study the latest trends and information in one’s respective field of expertise, which then allows the patent attorneys to offer better IP-related legal services.

Release of Patent Attorney Information

· The KPAA seeks to contribute to the rights and interests of clients by releasing information on patent attorneys including area of specialization and training history.

Add : (06660) #107, Myeongdal-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea [Korea Patent Attorneys Association]
Tel : +82-2-3486-3486 / Fax : +82-2-3486-3511 / E-mail : kpaa@kpaa.or.kr
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